Tuesday, March 16

says the character actor.

there is a half full bottle of mountain dew with its cap off laying on its side on a rafter above the patrick henry cafeteria. impressed me a lot.

i still cant do cartwheels because of my life threatening injury to the upper thigh. at rehearsal, i usually mark it by doing some intense arm thrusting motion and making a swooshing sound effect of some sort, but today i realized that this would not fly in the actual performance, which is next monday. concerned me a little bit.

meg put it nicely. as soon as into the woods starts, that wont even matter anymore. and i will be able to die at peace. unlike my mother. who, were i to die after completing my run as little red, would not ever have her death wish completed. which is me being maria in the sound of music. sad. but i'd be at peace.

there are six more grapes performances. my heart hurts when i think about that. it feels a little better sometimes when i think about the summer. but then it gets to hurting again when i remember that its march. if waiting for the summer was to be compared to a pregnancy, we'd only be in the second trimester. and at least for rosasharn, thats when it all starts a'goin downhill.

im not a sappy person or one to rant on how shows "change me" or whatever, but grapes has. im not used to making people cry and give standing ovations who dont even know us. these random people are coming to the show just cause they heard about it and end up leaving emotionally shredded. and theyre not even biased. thats a cool, cool thing. i wish all shows i do could reach out like this... says the little character actress who 99% of the time prefers a comedic musical to all else. funny, huh?

i'll leave it at that. i couldnt be happier to be little red, and im sure when the time comes, being the comedic relief again will be welcome. but this depressing and slash or hopeful show sure has been a wild ride and im going to miss it.

i just heard mention of a ripstick in my basement. if im not mistaken, thats one of those cool little half skateboard half boomerang things. i am going to go break my leg falling off of it now.

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