chris brought all the girls oriental fans tonight to color on. why she didnt bring us a coloring book is beyond me, but i was pleased with the new arrivals. there is wood holding it together and everything. we grapes of wrath girls are legit.
eric and i play lots of games onstage. a fan favorite is concentration 64 with categories including but not limited to: types of mexican food, illegal drugs and drag queens. we also play cats cradle, pattycake, thumb wrestling and the occasional staring contest. we thought tomorrow we might lay on our stomachs and hold an arm wrestling match, to see just how disruptive we can be. i'll get back to you on how that goes.
our names vary depending on our character choices of the night. for example, when i am being butch, i become ruth. when eric is acting fruity, he becomes winny. tonight we established that if we are gangster, we become ruth-nay-nay and win-la-la.
i think something is wrong with me (insert mean joke here). i was hearing echoes out of my right ear that were heard by no one else. i was told that non existant echo hearing is a sign of premature schizophrenia. im not hearing them anymore, but im afraid tonight i may start seeing dead people.
im going to eat some fried rice now.
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