i have the ability to fall asleep anywhere. while i treasure this at times when napping is appropriate, it must be taken into consideration that napping is not always appropriate. example. i once fell asleep while vacuuming the car with the vacuum still running in my hand. skill, my friends.
the floor of my father's office seemed appealing today. until his secretary stepped on me on her way to the copying machine. i realize that i am a little person, but i feel as though you might notice a breathing lump on the ground if you were to encounter it. i expect a bruise.
something ive noticed about backstage at the barksdale. there are a lot of levels. annoying single stairs left and right. occasionally there will be two or three stairs in a row, but only if youre lucky.
you can learn a lot from tina fey. in the valentines day episode, she speaks of the sensation you recieve when you think there is another stair and you step forward expecting that next stair, and that stair, well, it isnt there. i watched this yesterday. specifically remember saying to myself, 'hm. never had that feeling.'
til today. apparently the upstage right vohm only has three steps. its funny how much fake velocity you receive when youre mentally ready to drop down another level. a lot of fake velocity. its also startling as the dickens for everyone involved, as you are seemingly performing a simple task such as walking down the stairs, and it turns so futile. long-story-thats-actually-not-so-long-im-just-dragging-it-out short, i fell. collapsed into a heaping mound. laughed at my own stupidity. and moved on.
two high school girls confronted me after the show today. i say confronted for dramatic effect, because really they were not being threatening towards me in any way. they wanted to know my age. 16, i say. collective gasp from the girls. i add that my little brother is 15. they misunderstand and think i mean that eric is really my little brother. i go with it, and explain in great detail how we are adopted, homeschooled and best friends. they comment that they knew we looked like we could be related. funny how that is. they leave. and i am fufilled, for i am becoming such a good liar.
fourth blog post.
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