Sunday, April 18


meg & i went on a date this afternoon. i enjoy going on dates with meg. because we can both be pigs and neither will care. hence- cheeburger cheeburger.

disappointment did ensue because we both ordered kids meals and they were delivered in little black baskets instead of the cardboard tbird souvenir basket. just because we are over the age of seven doesnt mean we are too old for a toy car. sheesh.

i found a pair of mens sunglasses in the carnahan car. i put them on. this was a mistake, for mens sunglasses do NOT look good on girls.

nay, mens sunglasses dont look good on ANYONE. the ones that like slant upwards like the avatar creatures eyes do. with the random colors in the lens. you know the ones.

showcase was today. it reminded me why i want to adopt children when they are in their teens or raise them until they are four and give them away. aka avoid the wretched age that is- preteen. yikes.

matt polson had to go downstairs for teacher introductions. i happened to be standing nearby. he asked if i could keep an eye on his kiddies. i said yes. something i would soon regret. i thought to myself 'this should be a cinch!'

i really did say 'cinch'.

it was not a cinch. what is a cinch? i should probably stop using that term until i discover the definition.

ah. here we are.
Pronunciation: \ˈsinch\
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish cincha, from Latin cingula
Date: 1859
1 : a girth for a pack or saddle
2 : a tight grip
3 a : a thing done with ease

i choose to refer to definition number three. awesome.

those kids were rowdy beyond belief. new appreciation for sparc teachers across the board. i pulled every theatre game EVER from my mental collection. still not enough. thank the lord for red light green light. and jessie jennison. i think it was definitely a job that needed a bare minimum of two people.

major headache and loss of hair were the result.

now off to massage my scalp.

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